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Painting and other horrors

Let's start with a post about Pathos Gallery. This gallery is for the weird and bizarre. A new wave of surreal artwork. I am proud to announce that I am represented by this gallery since this year (2021). The gallery owner motivated me to pick up the brush and start painting and so I did.

A pig like demon who shows you the ways of greed under the eyes of the Devil in the form of an owl.
Title: Zeug

The painting above is called Zeug (sold). The theme of this piece is the cardinal sin of greed. I don't know anything about the art world and who is buying and selling art so I am glad Pathos is helping me out with this. This shows us that it is super important to find someone who you can trust and understands your art and knows how to reach your audience.

I found a place where my art gets the attention it deserves.

A beautiful confusion in which thoughts become disjointed

This one has a bit of a long name. ¨A beautiful confusion in which thoughts become disjointed". Where the first painting just had a very short name in Dutch this one is for the world we live in as a whole. I figured that the title of a painting could add something to it's story. Some artists don't give any titles to their artwork because that would guide the viewer too much. Well I do want to play with the title. "A Beautiful Confusion in which thoughts become disjointed" forces you to think about it. It is just like the title of a movie/film or the title of a song or music album. This challenges you to discover what the painting is all about.

There where I paint

This is where I paint. This third painting is all about me. The head that overflows, being a part of this world while the world is breaking down every single part of everything. This piece is about the mental state I am in so now and then. Autism is not a funny thing and not something that makes people have super powers. It is trying to move through this world while the rules are not made for you. But on the other hand, I am able to create and see things in a way others don't. That gives me the possibility to create illustrations and paintings in a way that is close to me and something new. And oh-boy, we need something new in this world.

Don't be afraid of the paintings I am going to create. Try to read them from your own perspective. I don't want you to seek for what I wanted to tell and show you. I want you to seek your own story within these paintings. Art should not only be here to please the eye. It should kick you in the nuts so you start thinking. Every time someone stands before a painting and does something with it in his or her head the painting is finished.

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